Medicare Cover hearing aids?

Does Medicare cover hearing aids?
Many people ask the question, does Medicare cover hearing aids?
The answer is, unfortunately, no.
Medicare offers zero coverage for hearing aids. So what can you do?
Well the good news is you do have options.
Pay cash
Some clients I work with just pay cash for hearing aids. This can be expensive. Especially because hearing aids range from a few hundred dollars up to several thousand dollars.
Hopefully you can negotiate a cash discount or get some credit card reward points if you are going this route.
Medicare Advantage?
Some Medicare Advantage plans have coverage built in for hearing aids.
Now I would NOT recommend buying an Advantage plan simply because it helps cover your hearing aids.
But if you know you want a Medicare Advantage plan then it’s good info to have so we can compare options.
Most counties have more than 20 different advantage plans. And they all have different levels of coverage for different things. Including hearing aids.
Some of hearing aids for a fixed copay amount. I’ve seen really nice hearing aids be only a few hundred dollar copay.
Other advantage plans don’t cover hearing aids at all.
So I need to know if you are interested in hearing aids because it could tilt us in a different direction as far as what plan to consider first.
Find an insurance plan that helps pay for hearing aids
Most people don’t realize there are options out there that can help pay for hearing aids.
My favorite is Manhattan Life’s Dental, Vision, and Hearing plan.
There’s 3 reason I like it more than any other option.
Covers up to 80%
Yes, Manhattan’s policy will cover up to 80% of the cost of a hearing aid. Most plans that cover hearing aids only cover a much smaller percentage.
So paying a similar premium for a plan that covers 80% versus 50% is great bang for your buck.
Use your plan anywhere
You can use this plan anywhere you want. There are no network restrictions. So you are flexible to choose the provider you want to see.
Combined benefits for dental, vision, and hearing
Most people don’t need a hearing aid every year. Or you may not know if you need a hearing aid this year or 2 years from now.
So the perk of this plan is you can use your benefits toward dental and vision as well as hearing. You are in the driver’s seat deciding how you want to use your coverage each year.
Interested in learning more?
Remember, there’s no way that Medicare will cover hearing aids. So if any of this sounds like something you want to check out then get in touch with me. We’ll take 10 minutes to see if it’s a good fit for you or not.
You can:
- Call me at 855-712-7316
- Email me
- Click this link to schedule time with me
Talk to you soon!
Medicare Mike